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Hiwi Amal Bouraoui

Amal Bouraoui


Office: Room 203, Physik Hochhaus
Phone: +49 (0)761 203 7631
E-mail: amal.bouraoui @


Amal recently completed her Master's degree under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Oliver Waldmann, with a master's thesis titled "Advanced Fitting Techniques for Analyzing Magnetism in Single Molecule Magnets". In her research, she applied a numerical analysis approach to Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) to extract Hamiltonian parameters from susceptibility and magnetization data. The In-House fitting algorithm "Levenberg-Marquardt", implemented in C, faced challenges, such as slow convergence. To overcome these issues, additional fitting techniques, including "Dogleg", "Double-Dogleg", and "Levenberg-Marquardt with Geodesic acceleration", were introduced using the GNU Scientific Library (GSL). A large scale testing approach was implemented, using both fitting and gradient techniques as parameters which, in-turn, significantly reduced computational costs, enhanced fit stability, and provided best fit results for SMMs in this study.

Currently, Amal is working as a Hiwi in the Nanophysics and Molecular Nanomagnets group, where her primary responsibility involves the creation and maintenance of the group's website.